Monday, December 1, 2008
More on Derech Eretz...
These leaders have lost confidence in the governing Conservative party, who, in their recent economic update, failed to address the many problems facing Canada's (and the world's) economy. Instead of staying in their partisan silos, they have banded together to offer an alternative to the Conservative party. Over the past week leading figures in all of the opposition parties have put aside their differences to offer a viable alternative to the Conservative party. This offer of a coalition government is a bold, and almost unprecedented, move. The last coalition government in Canada briefly existed some 91 years ago.
This morning I spoke at our shacharit service about the need to combine learning of Torah with Derech Eretz- acting properly, acting with decency. Whether or not the Liberals, NDP and Bloc succeed in creating a coalition government, I believe that the efforts of the parties are an example of Derech Eretz, putting aside politics to try to do what they believe is best for Canadians.
Here is the open letter to Canadians written by the leaders of the Liberal, New Democrat, and Bloc Quebecois parties:
Monday, December 1, 2008
To our fellow citizens,
Canada is facing a global economic crisis. Since the recent federal election, it has become clear that the government headed by Stephen Harper has no plan, no competence and, no will to effectively address this crisis. Therefore, the majority of Parliament has lost confidence in Mr. Harper’s government, and believes that the formation of a new Government that will effectively, prudently, promptly and competently address these critical economic times is necessary.
The contrast between the inaction of Mr. Harper’s government and the common action taken by all other Western democracies is striking. We cannot accept this.
A majority of Canadians and Quebecers voted for our parties on October 14, 2008. Our Members of Parliament make up 55 percent of the House of Commons.
In light of the critical situation facing our citizens, and the Harper government’s unwillingness and inability to address the crisis, we are resolved to support a new government that will address the interests of the people.
Today we respectfully inform the Governor General that, as soon as the appropriate opportunity arises, she should call on the Leader of the Official Opposition to form a new government, supported as set out in the accompanying accords by all three of our parties.
Hon. Stéphane Dion
Leader, the Liberal Party of Canada
Hon. Jack Layton
Leader, the New Democratic Party of Canada
Gilles Duceppe
Leader, the Bloc Québécois
Derekh Eretz and Jacob’s Ladder (my drash on parashat Vayetzei)
וַיַּחֲלֹם, וְהִנֵּה סֻלָּם מֻצָּב אַרְצָה, וְרֹאשׁוֹ, מַגִּיעַ הַשָּׁמָיְמָה; וְהִנֵּה מַלְאֲכֵי אֱלֹהִים, עֹלִים וְיֹרְדִים בּוֹ. (12)
וְהִנֵּה יְהוָה נִצָּב עָלָיו, וַיֹּאמַר, אֲנִי יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵי אַבְרָהָם אָבִיךָ, וֵאלֹהֵי יִצְחָק; הָאָרֶץ, אֲשֶׁר אַתָּה שֹׁכֵב עָלֶיהָ--לְךָ אֶתְּנֶנָּה, וּלְזַרְעֶךָ (13) .
“ ...Just as (Mishna Avot 2:5) states “An ignorant person cannot become a Hasid”, so too Torah knowledge alone cannot complete a person’s soul as seen in our Sages’ teaching (Eruvin 109b)- “Whoever says ‘There is nothing in life but the story of Torah’, this person has not acquired Torah.”[3]
"Where there is no Torah there are no manners/proper conduct (derekh eretz); Where there are no manners/proper conduct (derekh eretz) there is no Torah. Without wisdom, there is no fear of God; without the fear of God there is no wisdom. Without insight there is no knowledge; without knowledge there is no insight. Without food there is no Torah; without Torah there is no food.”
Sunday, November 23, 2008
"Marriage is a Jewish Issue" by Rabbi Laura Geller
"November 19, 2008
Marriage is a Jewish issue
Parshat Chayei Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18)
By Rabbi Laura Geller
This week's Torah portion, Chayei Sarah, is the biblical equivalent of JDate. After Sarah's death, Abraham gets busy trying to find the right wife for his son, Isaac. He sends his servant, Eliezer, to Abraham's hometown to make the match. Eliezer prays that the right girl will show up at the well and that she will make herself known to him through her generosity, gentleness and beauty. And sure enough, everything unfolds the way it was supposed to, and Eliezer brings Rebecca home to Isaac.
As they approach on their camels, Rebecca sees Isaac off in the distance. The translation says: "And she alighted from her camel." But the Hebrew word can also mean: "She fell off her camel." I've always loved Rebecca for that -- just at the moment when you want to make the best impression, you trip. I can identify with that. Still, Isaac loved Rebecca from the moment he saw her.
A lot has changed since the biblical period about how we find a marriage partner. And our ideas about who might be an appropriate partner have changed, as well. But as we saw from the recent passage of Proposition 8, not everyone agrees.
Why is Proposition 8 a Jewish issue? After all, doesn't the Bible say, "One who lies with a male as one lies with a female is an abomination" (Leviticus 18:22)? If we read the Torah as fundamentalists do, this and other verses would indeed present a problem. (Should we really execute people for working on Shabbat?)
That's not how most Jews read the Torah. We read it through the lens of commentary and with the understanding that certain laws, which might have made sense in biblical society, are no longer relevant now.
As Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson wrote in "Gay and Lesbian Jews: A Teshuvah," "We have reviewed a range of rabbinic reasons given for opposing same-sex acts. We have concluded that homosexuality is not intrinsically unnatural ... destructive of family life, devoid of the possibility of children, or hedonistic. We are dealing, therefore, not with a previously considered and previously outlawed phenomena, but with a situation never before encountered in Jewish law. Modern homosexual love and stable homosexual couples are different in significant respects from anything known in Torah or rabbinic Judaism."
In other words, what the Torah proscribes has nothing to do with contemporary gay or lesbian relationships and therefore is irrelevant to the current discussion. What does matter are core values that emerge out of Jewish tradition, including the fundamental notion that all human beings are created in the image of God and mishpat ehat yihe'eh lachem, that law should be applied equally to all.
Proposition 8 is a Jewish issue because we know what it is to be victimized because we are different. We need to stand up and defend the civil and human rights of other minorities. And it is a Jewish issue because it is also about us.
Gays and lesbians are part of our family. They are our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters, our cousins and nieces and nephews. Gay and lesbian families are in our synagogues, their children are in our day schools, our religious schools and our early childhood centers. They are part of our community. "They" are "us."
Reform Judaism has taken the lead in the Jewish community in supporting the civil and human rights of gays and lesbians. The Reform movement welcomed the first synagogue for gay and lesbian Jews into what is now the Union for Reform Judaism in 1974. The Reform movement began to ordain openly gay and lesbian rabbis in 1990, and, in 1996, the Reform movement went on record to "support the right of gay and lesbian couples to share fully and equally in the rights of civil marriage."
Thirteen years ago, I stood under a chuppah with my friends Rabbi Lisa Edwards and Tracy Moore. It was a powerful ceremony -- without a marriage license. They were and still are such fitting partners for each other, still in love after all these years. Last month I stood with them again under their chuppah, this time with speaker of the state Assembly, Karen Bass. This time with a marriage license.
When Bass signed the license and declared them married according to the laws of the state of California, the congregation burst into applause. It was a historic moment.
Now the status of that marriage is unclear. This is a Jewish issue. The right to marry is a Jewish issue because we believe that all human beings, male and female, gay and straight, are created in the image of God. The right to marry is a matter of civil rights; each of us has the right to choose a fitting partner for ourself and enjoy the same protection that the law provides to any married couple and their children.
Few of us meet our marriage partners at the well anymore. Our world has changed. But some things never change. God is present when two people commit their lives to each other and become one family. We need to continue the struggle for marriage equality, because it is a Jewish issue.
Rabbi Laura Geller is senior rabbi of Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills, a Reform congregation."
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Now the work begins...
"Yesterday I wrote that the election of Obama is a victory over the politics of hate. I was wrong. As the dust cleared this morning, it was apparent that Californians had voted to deny basic rights to millions of citizens who just happen to have been born gay."
Indeed, as California voted for Obama, a slim majority of Californians also voted in favour of Proposition 8, the anti-gay marriage initiative that will deny rights to millions of Californians (removing the right to marry recognized recently by the courts). Similar bans on same-sex marriage were approved in Florida and Arizona, while Arkansas voters endorsed a measure to block same-sex couples from adopting children.
At this time advocates in support of equal marriage in California (the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and National Center for Lesbian Rights) have filed a petition with the California Supreme Court urging judges to overturn Proposition 8.
The time has come for the rights of gay and lesbian Americans to live in recognized, supportive partnerships to be both recognized and celebrated. Countries such as Canada that recognize gay marriage have not suffered any of the harms bandied about by opponents to equal marriage. To the contrary, recognition of social marriage has only strengthened the social fabric.
President-elect Barack Obama will have a large list of items to address when he gets the keys to the White House. The economy is in dire straits, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue, the environment needs rescue, and health care and education require urgent attention.
Barack Obama was elected on a message of hope and a recognition (and even celebration) of the diversity of American society. With the long list of issues that he must immediately deal with upon entering the Oval Office, I only hope that he sends the message that his message of hope applies to America's gays and lesbians as well.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I respect CNN's Christiane Amanpour, their Chief International Correspondent. She describes this election as being "The election that will change the world". Big words for someone who has reported on South Africa's election of Nelson Mandela in 1994, overcoming apartheid.
I will not be up the whole night, but I think that I will not be able to help myself from checking in and M. in Ottawa has promised me that she will be sure to rouse me when key results start being reported. Let's all stay tuned.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Simchat Torah, which comes right after the end of Sukkot, marks the end of the annual Torah reading cycle (finishing Deuteronomy with the death of Moses and his final blessing to the Israelites preceding his death) , and of beginning anew with Bereishit/ Genesis' telling of the creation of the world. Genesis moves quickly- in the past couple of weeks Torah readings have moved from creation of day and night, to Adam and Eve, to Noah and the flood, the Tower of Babel, and the lineage of Abraham's ancestors. This week we are already at Torah portion Lech Lecha, where God tells Abram to leave his native land and his father’s house for a land that God would show him, promising to make of him a great nation, bless him, make his name great, bless those who blessed him, and so on.
In about a month from now we will be reading the coming of age story of Abraham's grandson Jacob (in parasha Vayetzei), when, after leaving his home to set out for his uncle Laban's place he falls asleep and dreams of a ladder with angels ascending and descending. In the dream God stands beside Jacob and promises to give him and his numerous descendants the land on which he lies, says that through his descendants all the earth would be blessed, and promises to stay with him wherever he goes and bring him back to the land. Jacob awakes afraid, remarking that surely the place is the house of God, the gate of heaven, and calls the place Bethel (house of God).
The Hebrew word for place - "makom"- in post-Biblical times also came to be a reference to God, and the interplay between being in a space and recognizing God's presence there is a key theme for Jacob. Biblical scholars and rabbis of old hypothesized that the place where Jacob dreamed was none other than the same place where the binding of Isaac took place, and the same place where the Temple mount, the holy of holies, would be located (i.e. not too far from me here in Jerusalem). In this interpretation the place where Jacob dreamt is a foundation stone of sorts for the world- the spot holding up the world and connecting the human domain to God's domain. I do not believe that any one place on Earth is fundamentally holier than than any other- God exists everywhere. But I do wonder whether certain places, where we have brought intention and focus for example through prayer or meditation or just being present, have the effect of in turn opening our eyes to things that we might not otherwise appreciate. Along these lines there are many people who claim that there is something particular about Jerusalem, that there is a mystical quality to the city that causes people who haven't seen each other in ages to run into each other, that Jerusalem is a city where the number of co-incidences that occur are higher than the rest-of-the-world norm.
I have not tested this hypothesis, but I do want to share a story of something that happened last week. Last Wednesday a friend and I were heading from school to the wonderful neighbourhood of Nachlaot to sit in on a course on the Siddur (prayerbook) at Simchat Shlomo Yeshiva. It was dark and cold and rainy outside (we remarked how interesting it was that the rain came at the same time as we were reading about Noah and the flood), and although we knew the route well we managed to somehow end up somewhere about 15 minutes off course (we say that we got caught in a vortex). Once we realized our error we turned back and proceeded to head in the right direction, cursing our folly at having made such a wet and cold mistake. A few minutes later, though, we heard a call for help. A woman was standing at the top of a stairwell leading down to an apartment entrance with her small child and some bags of groceries. She explained to us that she needed assistance to get to her apartment, as a taxi driver had dropped her off at the wrong entrance, away from her walker. The woman looked to have multiple sclerosis, or some other such neuro-muscular condition, and was unable to walk down the stairs in the wet with her child. My friend P. carried the child while I helped the woman on the steps. Within a couple of minutes the woman, her child, and her belongings were safe inside their apartment. As P. and I left to continue to the yeshiva, we both could not get over how clear the reason was for our earlier misjourney in the vortex! Both of us qualified the experience as a "Jerusalem moment"- enabled by the mystical something special about this place, this makom, that reinforces all that there is to appreciate and learn from where we are.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tefilla Zakkah- Forgiveness
"I know that there is no one so righteous that they have not wronged another, financially or physically, through deed or speech. This pains my heart within me, because wrongs between humans and their fellow are not atoned by Yom Kippur, until the wronged one is appeased. Because of this, my heart breaks within me, and my bones tremble; for even the day of death does not atone for such sins. Therefore I prostrate and beg before You, to have mercy on me, and grant me grace, compassion, and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all people. For behold, I forgive with a final and resolved forgiveness anyone who has wronged me, whether in person or property, even if they slandered me, or spread falsehoods against me. So I release anyone who has injured me either in person or in property, or has committed any manner of sin that one may commit against another [except for legally enforceable business obligations, and except for someone who has deliberately harmed my with the thought ‘I can harm him because he will forgive me']. Except for these two, I fully and finally forgive everyone; may no one be punished because of me. And just as I forgive everyone, so may You grant me grace in the eyes of others, that they too forgive me absolutely."
May everyone find blessing and forgiveness this Yom Kippur and enjoy a meaningful fast.
Shana tova u'metukah, and gmar chatimah tova (have a good and sweet new year, and may you be written in the Book of Life),
D ;-)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Rain and Renewal
With the start of the High Holy Day/rain season/winter comes the theme of renewal- renewal of the harvest cycle, renewal of ourselves, of our relationships, renewal of our goals for the coming year. This past Friday night I attended (with friends Sara and the Stillman family) my first Jewish Renewal Kabbalat Shabbat service with congregation Nava Tehila, led by Rabbi Ruth Gan Kagan. Jewish Renewal is a type of Judaism that incorporates Hasidic, meditative and musical practices into an egalitarian service/approach. The service was quite beautiful, taking excerpts from various Psalms and putting them to music using guitars, drums, a viola, a digeridoo, and, of course, all of our voices. This singing set a meditative though uplifting tone for the evening, and led up to an energetic Lecha Dodi welcoming the Shabbat bride. Unfortunately, at one point in the service a random fellow from outside (perhaps someone from the neighbourhood), stormed in and denounced the service as being loud/inappropriate/etc, etc. (it didn't make all that much sense, though he was very angry- this would never have happened in a "traditional" synagogue, as he would not have had the chutzpah to storm in). The community and the rabbi dealt with the man in a remarkable way- they let him say his piece, and then a couple of congregants gently escorted him outside and let him calm down. His interference and anger was not met by anger. Rather, Rabbi Ruth addressed the incident by asking the congregation to pray for the best for the man, as it is very difficult and sad to see someone so consumed by anger, especially around the Shabbat and the time of the High Holidays (when we are all supposed to be seeking forgiveness). The service wrapped with a traditional recitation of the ma'ariv, or evening prayers. Following the service I returned to the Stillman's, where we talked and reviewed and drank Jameson's and enjoyed dessert, all parts of weekly renewal.
Shana tova u metukah (have a happy and sweet new year!!),
Dara ;-)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
the galilee, the golan, seudat shlishit, slichot and shivers
We spent a good part of last week up north in the Galilee and Golan Heights region, on a learning trip about the "New Jew". En route I had the opportunity to swim, both at the lovely Gan Sachne, Israel's largest natural swimming pool, as well as in the wonderful Kinneret, or Sea of Galilee, Israel's largest freshwater lake and the lowest freshwater lake on Earth (209M below sea level). We traveled to Zichron Ya'akov, Kiriat Shmona, Metulla, Tel Hai, Tel Dan and more, and learned all about the first waves of immigration to Palestine/Israel in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. We looked into Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, and contemplated the issues regarding what to do with the Golan Heights. We visited the Kinneret Cemetery, where key figures in the Zionist movement and Israeli culture are buried (such as Naomi Shemer, Rachel, Moshe Hess, Nachman Syrkin, Ber Borochov). I hope to reflect and write more on this trip, which I will add in another posting.
Following our return Thursday night from our tiyul (trip), I enjoyed a lovely Kabbalat Shabbat service at Kol Haneshama, one of Jerusalem's Reform congregations, followed by a wonderful dinner hosted by congregants at Kol Haneshama. On Saturday I spent seudah shlishit, the Shabbat meal before the end of Shabbat (Havdallah) at the home and yeshiva (Shlomo Yeshiva) of Rabbi Sholom Brodt and his wife Judy (from previous posts, Rabbi Brodt had been a teacher at Solomon Schecter Academy in Montreal when I was there more than 20 years ago). About 30 people were in attendance and it was a wonderful spiritual and warm experience that I look forward to repeating. Following dinner and Havdallah I made my way to school (with a stop for ice cream- it is amazing how Jerusalem suddenly comes back to life when Shabbat ends, you see stores opening up and people emptying out of homes onto the streets to play) for a special pre-Slichot service rundown. Slichot are special prayers recited before Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year. They are traditionally recited early in the morning, though numerous synagogues offer late-night versions. After gathering our class together at school, at 10:30pm Saturday night we headed over to Jerusalem's Great Synagogue to hear the renowned hazzan (cantor) and choir lead the services (which lasted until about 12:30am). The atmospheres at Shlomo Yeshiva and the Great Synagogue could not have been more different, but both were beautiful in their own way.
Otherwise another week of classes, though we will have very little course time between now and the Sukkot break, what with Rosh Hashana next week and Yom Kippur the week after. I cannot believe how quickly time is passing. Tonight, though, as I went out for dinner with friend and fellow student "J-Fro", I felt fall's chill and wrapped myself in a sweater. There is comfort in this harbinger of seasonal change, in that it validates my internal sense of time moving on....
Alas, I hope to be able to add more soon!
d ;-)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Boppin' like Machina
Shavua tov,
D ;-)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Transitioning back to life here in Jerusalem after a wonderful sojourn back home in Ottawa (as well as in Montreal and Vermont) I am most struck by the fact that it is still so hot that it does not really feel like the new year is around the corner (I shouldn't complain as come January the winter here in Jerusalem will seem like heaven compared to winter back home!!) Nonetheless, today was our first day of real, full-on school (vs. ulpan), and gearing up to today I have been meditating on what this all means. As suggested in my previous post, the fact that I am actually here in Israel, in the first year of a rabbinical program, has finally hit me. While back in Ottawa I was able to appreciate how lovely a life I have there, which led to all sorts of thoughts regarding what has drawn me here. This past Friday night, sharing Shabbat with colleagues and friends Adam, Alicia, Philip and Alicia and Philip's two snazzy kids, I felt why it is so important for me to be spending this year in Jerusalem. After enjoying a delicious Shabbat meal we made our way down Ushishkin street to a little neighbourhood full of people welcoming Shabbat, kids playing outside, great smells and enchanting lights emanating from houses, and so on, to a little second-floor synagogue for services. The synagogue seated about 40 people, and I would describe it as a sort of progressive almost-Hasidic Carlebach style type of place. There was a mechitzah, or division, dividing the women from the men, though it was only a sheet and of course the children attending the service paid it no mind (a little girl spent a good portion of the service climbing on the rabbi). The rabbi himself was positioned at the front in the middle of the mechitzah, so half of him was on the women's side and half of him was on the man's side. Usually mechitzahs bother me (with what the division connotes), but this was fine in the circumstances. The spirit of the service was wonderful. The women and men prayed and danced and sang aloud, and women led bits of the service. I spent my time out on the porch at the entrance to the synagogue's prayer room, and was warmly greeted by the women there, many of whom were quite pregnant and were caring for multiple children whilst praying. The service spilled out into the courtyard, creating a beautiful flow between the inside and outside. The best part, perhaps, was that we only found this service because Philip had been directed to the yeshiva affiliated with the synagogue, and had been quite impressed with what he had seen there. After the service Philip introduced me to one of the rabbis at the yeshiva. It turned out that it was none other than Rabbi Sholom Brodt, who had been a teacher more than twenty years ago at my elementary school (Solomon Schecter Academy) in Montreal!!
I took from Friday night that this year is to be a year of learning, where I will likely discover things or gain insights in unexpected ways. To do so I must keep my eyes open, and I will know as the year goes by where this year will lead me. I suppose, then, that even though the weather is still hot, I am ready to transition into the autumn and all that the new year will bring.
Sending snazziness,
Dara ;-)
p.s.- As you know federal elections will soon be taking place in both Canada and the United States. These elections will be key, as both main parties in both elections present very different visions of what the respective countries should be. Vote.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Family and Politics
Politics have also been front and centre. Not wanting to feel left out of all of the excitement down south, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will likely (99.9%) go to the Governor General to dissolve Canada's 39th Parliament and set an election for the day after Canadian Thanksgiving, i.e. October 14th, i.e. the first day of Sukkot. Election fever is running high in Ottawa, and while home I got to see the beginnings of things first hand. Both the US and Canadian elections will, I believe, come down to vision- what sort of vision the respective parties have for their respective countries. The visions are quite different, and all I can hope for is that we, the people, take the time to consider the visions, and to go and vote.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Happy Tu B'Av (15th of Av)!
"Tu B'Av the 15th Day of Av, is both an ancient and modern holiday. Originally a post-biblical day of joy, it served as a matchmaking day for unmarried women in the second Temple period (before the fall of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.). Tu B'Av was almost unnoticed in the Jewish calendar for many centuries but it has been rejuvenated in recent decades, especially in the modern state of Israel. In its modern incarnation it is gradually becoming a Hebrew-Jewish Day of Love, slightly resembling Valentine's Day in English-speaking countries.
...It should be noted that Tu B'Av, like several Jewish holidays (Passover, Sukkot, Tu Bishvat) begins on the night between the 14th and 15th day of the Hebrew month, since this is the night of a full moon in our lunar calendar. Linking the night of a full moon with romance, love, and fertility is not uncommon in ancient cultures.
In recent decades Israeli civil culture promotes festivals of singing and dancing on the night of Tu B'Av. The entertainment and beauty industries work overtime on this date. It has no formal legal status as a holiday-- it is a regular workday--nor has the Israeli rabbinate initiated any addition to the liturgy or called for the introduction of any ancient religious practices. The cultural gap between Israeli secular society and the Orthodox rabbinate makes it unlikely that these two will find a common denominator in the celebration of this ancient/modern holiday in the foreseeable future."
Tonight I fly back to North America for my first Wexner Graduate Fellowship Summer Institute in Stowe, Vermont. I look forward to the opportunity to explore the theme of the Jewish family with wonderful Fellows (pursuing programs in Jewish professional leadership, community leadership, education, and Jewish studies) from all walks of Jewish life. Before and after the Institute, though, I look forward to marking Tu B'Av by being reunited with my love and my family.
Wishing all a happy Tu B'Av,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
It can be easy being green...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
What comes next
As we leave Tisha B'Av and try to think about what we can learn for next year, I want to share a couple of news articles that I came across today. The first is from the NY Times' Nicholas Kristof, and is titled "Make Diplomacy, Not War". The other is a Canadian Press report published in the Globe and Mail on the celebration of Canada's first-ever National Peacekeepers Day. Given all that is Tisha B'Av, it seems fitting that National Peacekeepers Day fell at the same time- August 9, 2008.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Tisha B'Av - Exile, Power, Prayer and Responsibility
Tonight, though, we transitioned out of Shabbat to a sombre day on the Hebrew calendar- Tisha B'Av (the ninth day of the month of Av). This holiday is a day of mourning to commemorate various tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people, in particular the destruction of the two Temples (in 586 B.C.E. and 70 A.D.). On this day people fast, read the Book of Lamentations, and recite mourning prayers.
Tisha B'Av is a marker of exile. There are those that ask, now that Israel exists again as a homeland for the Jewish people, whether we should continue to follow this day (ie Can't we just appreciate what we have and get on with it?). Back at home Tisha B'Av was never big on our calendar, falling as it does in the middle of the summer, and seeming a bit less relevant than some other holidays (i.e. do we really want to return to great big Jerusalem Temple-based Judaism, what with all the animal sacrifices that would ensue, etc., etc.?) Tonight, however, I had the opportunity to reflect on what the history of this day could mean in a contemporary context.
At our Tisha B'Av service tonight our HUC rabbinic interns provided various takes on commemoration for the day. Each resonated with me on a different plane. One way of approaching Tisha B'Av is to consider that while the Jewish people no longer are in exile, there is still much work to be done to ensure a just and compassionate society. A tract from the Babylonian Talmud states that the Second Temple was destroyed due to causeless hatred. One does not have to look far in Jerusalem (and I would say most anywhere, for that matter) to come across some unfounded hatred (there is not enough space here to get into all of the types of hatred, by whom, and against whom). So long as this exists we are still in a state of exile, in a state of still needing to work for a more complete return. This would be true even if we were to eliminate the geopolitical circumstances of Israel. As a Reform Jew I think about how Israel is perhaps the only democracy where not all Jews can practice their religion freely. Here in Israel the various forms of progressive Judaism are relegated to second-class status, as only Orthodox rabbis can perform Jewish weddings, funerals, and conversions, all the while on government payroll (which is almost completely inaccesible to non-Orthodox, let alone female, rabbis).
Quoting from Spiderman, rabbinic intern H.S. noted that "with great power comes great responsibility". Now that Israel exists again as a country, she has the responsibility to live up to her potential. As Henrietta Szold (1860-1945), American Zionist leader of the early 20th century noted: "The future is full fo the gravest responsibilities. We are promised a place in the sun, not to ravage and dominate, but to serve our people, ourselves, the world. Standing in the sun we shall be seen clearly as never before. Our abilities will be on trial before a world full of nations, who will judge us in the light of a glorious past of ideal service to mankind. For Israel, election has never meant anything but obligation. Clearly, rehabilitating a nation is not a pastime. It is a task, a heavy task, a holy task."
After our service this evening a group of us went to the Kotel/ Western Wall, where thousands of people thronged in bittersweet procession to mark the day. The square in front of the Wall was filled with people reading from Lamentations, and others exchanging greetings as they had not seen each other in some time. It was an incredible mix of darkness and light- I managed to make my way up to the Wall itself and was overcome by women communing so strongly with the day that tears fell down their
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Land of wine and olives
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tiyulim Through History
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Promenades and Prayer
Havdalah again already!! Where does the time go? (The answer is many places, in no particular order- kibbitzing, classes, cooking, studying, biking, reading, praying, catching up with friends and family, and so on...)
This has been a week of firsts. We have completed our first week of ulpan (Hebrew classes). On Thursday I led my first shacharit (morning prayers) service, guided by two fellow students (thank you Faryn and Lauren) and rabbinical interns (thank you Lydia and Haim) who helped me understand and take ownership of the prayer. During my 'drash', or teaching moment of the service, I addressed other firsts (noted in an earlier posting of this blog): British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's visit as the first sitting British P.M. to address the Israeli Knesset and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres at Peres' Official Residence. I spoke about the relationship between these two firsts and Tuesday's pigua, about the presence of hope and progress in the face of shadow and attempts at destruction. Shacharit's a great service- it is designed to orient you to your day, help you get into your skin, thank God (or whomever) for where you are, and help you focus on who you want to be and where you want to be going. It's a wonderful way to start your day off on the right foo
Friday night I hosted my first kabbalat shabbat dinner in Jerusalem, blessed with the presence of old friends from Montreal and new friends from HUC. Little did I know that the beau of one of my dear friends from Montreal who attended kabbalat shabbat proposed to my friend not two hours later (mazal tov!! what a shabbat mitzvah!!)!! This morning I attended services at Kehilat Har-El, Israel's first Progressive-Reform congregation currently led by Jerusalem's first and only female rabbi, Ada Zavidov (a beautiful service celebrating the bar mitzvah of Noam O. in the presence of three generations of family members). Tonight closed with our first at-home havdallah, bidding shabbat adieu and welcoming in the new week.
My roommate has initiated a shabbat ritual whereby after dinner we gather a group of us around, and, aided and abetted by whatever spirits we can procure, debate topics fundamental to our new chosen paths. Last week the question asked around the table was "what is the meaning of shabbat?" This week's query was "What is the meaning of prayer?" (my roommate doesn't waste any time on idle chit-chat). I don't yet have answers to these questions, and I cannot guarantee that I ever will. Still, just looking back at this posting, at the past week, I believe that I am starting to have an idea....
Shavua tov!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Jamais Ennuyeuse
The past 24 hours have seen a lot of action in this neck of the woods. Yesterday British Prime Minister Gordon Brown addressed the Knesset, the first British P.M. to do so since Israel's founding 60 years ago.
Today, on a more sombre note, a "pigua" (attack) occurred at the corner of King David and Keren HaYesod streets, where a tractor driver rammed a construction vehicle into three cars and a city bus before being shot dead by a civilian. At the time of the attack, President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas were in the midst of a historic meeting at the President's residence a few miles away. Following their meeting the two offered joint condemnation of the attack.
Tonight Barack Obama will be arriving in Jerusalem and staying at the venerable King David Hotel, located a few blocks from the pigua site. Ha'aretz columnist Bradley Burston's "Ten Mideast Traps for Barack Obama to Avoid" offers a great summary of how life seems to be here- exciting, frustrating, beautiful, even calm at times, but never boring.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Prayer and Oscar Peterson
"Praying is like playing jazz. The more you pray, the richer your prayer becomes. You can pray alone, but the exciting things happen with fellow pray-ers. It helps to know and trust the others, too (although you learn a lot when you pray with new people). Some services are traditional, others creative. Some synagogues are formal, others less so. The Jewish service is built around a set of spiritual themes. Sometimes we all pray in harmony, other times we each pray at our own rhythm, at our own volume.
The siddur is a framework, like the page of notes in front of the jazz player. If you choose to use these words, know that if you read the prayers, you are not praying. One should try and reach a proper balance between the pray-er and the prayer, and between the pray-er and other pray-ers."
This year we'll be learning the foundations of prayer, its basic notes and structures, so that going forward we'll be able to create, innovate and improvise. I couldn't help but think of Oscar Peterson's wonderful Hymn to Freedom, which will be an aspirational guide as to how to craft snazzy, beautiful, jazzy, soulful prayer...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Shabbat shalom!!
Shabbat shalom!!
Dara ;-)